Chocolate Cake For Breakfast?
It's Hubby's Birthday today...poor guy had to start back at work today after being laid off for most of the Summer. There is never anything this man wants or needs...he's just happy with what he's got...he's always more than happy to plan little surprises for me and the kids though...he always takes great pride in providing for his family. He's just a simple kinda guy, doesn't like a big fuss made on his special day, unlike me...I thouroughly enjoy feeling special and being surprised and spoiled rotten on my day!
So I thought the least I could do is bake the man a candles but of course there will HAVE to be icing! I decided to surprise him with a chocolate cake when he gets home...not even the kids know that I'm making Dad a cake, so really, I could eat this whole thing today if I wanted to and no one would ever know...LOL!
Check out my little Baking Assistant, Molly...I think she is loving the smell of Chocolate in the air as well! This is gonna take a lot of will power for me not to eat this ALL DAY LONG! That must mean that I'll have earned myself a HUGE piece of cake at the end of the day though for being so good by resisting it throughout the day! I'll keep ya posted :o) .
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Bill Cosby's, "Chocolate Cake for Breakfast"! Makes me laugh so hard everytime! Enjoy :o)