Our Birdfeeders have been invaded!
We have 3 birdfeeders for all our birds to eat out of...one would think that 3 feeders would be plenty for all the birds, and they usually are except for today. Today, I counted 6 squirrels fighting over all 3 of our feeders...and if you've ever heard squirrels fighting over something you know they can get quite obnoxious! They are so loud and so feisty and very bold which would make any bird think twice about perching to have a snack!
I finished one knitting project and started another one but ran into a bit of a snag so I've put that one on hold for now.
Almost time to think of what to make for dinner...you ever get in that supper rut?...where you feel like you're always cooking the same things leaving you uninspired to cook supper night after night? Well, that's where I'm at right now...I'm bored of the same old same old. Where do you look for inspiration when looking for new recipes? TV? Internet? Magazines? Cook Books? I feel like I need new ideas, nothing fancy shmancy, just something simple and delicious that the whole family will enjoy.
Hope you're all having a great day!