Saturday, March 14, 2009

♥ Our Miss Molly Girl ♥
.Well here she is, one week before her 1st birthday! My my how time flies! Isn't she a sweeite?...don't let her fool you...she's bad to the bone! She has her moments but most of the time she's looking for trouble!
She actually laid down long enough for me to snap some photos of her!
Woops! Caught her right before a big yawn...what a wierd look!
Playing Peek-a-Boo behind the camera...she's gonna get me...
Her eyes change so much...sometimes they are huge and black and sometimes the blacks get just like slivers...this is her right before she decides to pounce me...she loves playing peek-a-boo with Mom! She almost looks possessed in this one!...some days I believe she really is!