~ Friday Morning Visitors ~

What a beautiful morning...not the temperature which is well into the -30's but the sun is out shining so brightly making all the snow sparkly and look who decided to pop by for breakfast? Make sure to click on all the photos to get a real good look...I left them nice and big!

These 3 gorgeous deer (the other one is on the right hiding behind the tree...camera shy perhaps?) spent about 20 minutes in our front yard this morning just munching. Don't mind that rope in the way...that's my kids' contraption...a rope tied from one tree to another that they walk along...there's another one tied above it as well for them to hang onto....kids :o)

The deer on the right decided to join the other one that was playing shy, but the cute one on the left wanted to go off on his own for a bit.
Just making sure the others aren't going to leave without him.

Something caught his eye...
Perhaps the sound of my kids trying to get his attention? Look how big the ears get.
Okay, this is my favourite shot...he's just stuck his snout in the snow to eat whatever's under there....and then....

Out comes the snout, all covered in snow! Too cute!

I couldn't imagine trudging through all that snow in minus thirty degrees celcius for my morning grub!

I just love the way the sun makes the snow all sparkly!

Think it's time to head back with the others now...

I tell ya, I wouldn't trade living in the country for anything! It's so beautiful and so peaceful. I love it!