There's No Place Like Home...There's No Place Like Home...There's No Place Like Home...

This morning started out like all the rest, wake up, make breakfast, make the lunches, get hubby off to work and get the kiddies off to school. I got the kids all bundled up in their winter gear to put them on the bus, opened the door to go outside and then pulled the door shut...only thing, this time, my beautiful door handle came off with my hand!!! What the heck??
I started to panic right away because I couldn't open the door and nobody was inside! My kids got upset right away thinking that mama would be out in the snow all day long!
When our wonderful bus driver picked them up, I asked if she could radio the bus company to phone my husband's cell phone to let him know I was stuck outside in the cold and snow! So the bus drove away and I thought instead of just standing around waiting for hubby to get home which probably would have taken 40 minutes from town, I decided to check all the windows and they were all locked except for our teeny tiny little bathroom window. I thought come hell or high water, I'll get in that little window somehow!!!
I walked around the yard to find hubby's horse(step ladder), then I walked through all the snow and plunked it in front of the bathroom window. But when I climbed up to the window I quickly realized that it was not going to be easy getting in there. I tried every kind of position to get in that window, I knew that I was going to fit, but how the heck was I going to land when I got inside?
I tried feet first, that didn't work, I tried head first but was afraid to fall on my head. Then in all my desperation, I started grabbing at all sorts of things inside the bathroom through the window to make some kind of a landing strip for me...wicker hampers, brand new 24 pack of toilet paper...oh yeah, I really was making a mess of the bathroom! But guess what? After trying 5 times to get in there, I did it!!! And I only have some minor scrapes and sore armpits and chest. As I fell on top of all the toilet paper and wicker hampers and baskets, I heard a knock on my door(the one with the broken knob now) was a neighbour from down the road...I guess the bus driver told him there was a damsel in distress up the road that needed rescuing real bad! He was shocked that I got in all by myself through the bathroom window! And go figure, I had no makeup on and my hair was just thrown together in a big old sloppy braid...thank gosh my teeth were brushed at least!!
So I phoned the school right away to ask if they could releive my children's worry about their mother, and then my prince charming of a husband drove in the driveway and I was so overwhelmed and emotional that I started to cry! Ever stupid hey? Such a "girl" thing to do...I was trying to be stong and it just back fired on me!!
Oh well, I'm in my cozy house hair is done and my make up is on, so all is good now! Now it's time for me to get you all your daily links and such!
Holy Crumbs! What a morning! Just had to share it with you all! I have learned a very good lesson in all this though...keep a spare key with me for our other door just in case...who would ever think of their door knob coming right off with them? I know I sure didn't! Geesh!