Wow! What a Difference a Week Can Make......

Okay, one week today I posted the photo above on the left...I was getting all excited cuz Spring was definitely in the air that day...the sun was shining, the birds were all chirping, the snow was melting, I could hear dripping water from all the snow on the roof, there were little wet spots all down the driveway...I knew I had probably jinxed it as soon as I said it felt like Spring and sure enough, I did! The photo above on the right is what that same tree in our front yard looks like today! Yup, covered in snow! Well over a foot of snow came down...schools and busses were all cancelled which made for happy children!

This is the view looking down our driveway...those would be Hubby's tracks from him going to work...I tried to convince him to stay home and play hookie but he's on a deadline and knew there was a lot that he could get done in a boring not wanting to take full advantage of a Snow Day! Geesh! I wasn't gonna go outside yesteray but I got kinda bored inside so I got all bundled up and ventured outside...grabbed the shovel and started shovelling...these photos show about half our driveway and I have been trying to shovel the whole thing lately for exercise but I just couldn't do it yesterday...this snow was really really heavy and there was just too much of it...I managed to shovel in front where Hubby parks and a path from there to the back door and then I was was so windy which made it really after about a 1/2 hour out there, I decided to go back inside where it was nice and warm...perhaps if it warms up a little today I'll go out and try again...Hubby thinks I'm nutts for doing it but it makes me feel good to get out and do something!
It was a fun day though...I got to spend some time with the kids...I finished a project on the needles and I'm SO excited to move onto the next one now...I've been totally inspired by something I seen and read about the other day...something very cool, very different, and very fun! It has to do with knitting...I've already got my daughter hooked on it...her mind is going constantly thinking of ways to use this neat idea! Not to worry, I will be telling you all about real soon! Everybody's gonna wanna try it out for themselves! It's so cool! I LOVE trying different things!
Hope all is well with everyone! Take care and have a wonderful day!