~♥~ The Real Way to A Girl's Heart ~♥~

This is what hubby brought home for me for Valentine's Day...I've been staring at them and trying so hard to resist them cuz I know once I open the pretty heart box they'll be gone...I have absolutely no self control when it comes to hazelnuts and chocolate! I only ate 6 yesterday, in one sitting...that's not
that bad is it? Oh who am I kidding? That's terrible cuz I know that I'll end up eating another 6 today and then there will just be 4 lonely choccies left and I'll end up feeling sorry for them and I'll have to gobble them too! But what I was thinking of doing is saving all the pretty gold foil wrappers and brown paper cups and wrapping them back up real nice and putting them back in their little spots in the pretty box and no one here will ever know the difference...until of course they try to sneak one behind my back...won't they be in for a disappointing surprise! Ha! That'll teach them! Oh, Chocolate brings the evil out in me!