Yesterday Hubby and I celebrated our
10th Wedding Anniversary! I can't believe how fast the time has flown. So much has happened since then..so much to be thankful for, so much to be proud of. 10 years ago yesterday, Hubby and I were on our way to Minneapolis with his sister, our beautiful 10 month old little girl, and two of our friends...we were heading to Minneapolis to get married in the Mall of America in the
Chapel of Love...it sounds so corny and cheesy I know, but when we saw it on our previous trip to Minneapolis we both thought it would be kinda cute! Nothing seemed to be going right leading up to the big day...Hubby barely found a suit in time, I had just found a dress to wear the night before after looking around town ALL day long. A few days before that, I had had a tubal pregnancy and had to have an operation to have it removed which left me feeling a little sore. Hubby's suit pants needed to be hemmed so his Sister was hand sewing them in the front seat of the car on the way with the little sewing kit they give to you for free in the hotel room...when the teeny tiny little scissors broke we stopped at a gas station to borrow a pair of scissors so she could finsih the job! We still didn't have a ring for Hubby so when we pulled into Mineappolis we stopped at the fist store we saw which was a Target and quickly picked him out a ring from their jewelry department...thank goodness they had his size! In the meantime, we had lost site of our friends that were riding in a seperate vehicle...they ended up going the wrong way but fortunately they were able to find their way to the Mall where we all met up eventually. By this time I was a complete basket case, thinking to myself that this was never going to work out because everything that could go wrong, WAS! We made our way up to the
Chapel where we were escorted to the dressing room where we all frantically got dressed. Just before the ceremony I had a little emotional breakdown where I started crying because I was just so nervous and had been worried all day that we were going to be late...talk about being stressed out! I quickly picked up my beautiful little girl, gave her a kiss and said a little prayer to myself. I opened the door to the chapel and as soon as I saw Hubby I felt better...still very emotional but I knew that the moment was finally here and all the stress of getting ready for it was over. I walked down the aisle with our baby in my arms, we said our vows and I cried through the whole time...couldn't help it, it was such an emotional day for me. Now, every year that goes by we have a little giggle over it all as we remember how everything that could go wrong, did, but in the end it didn't matter because it all worked out just fine.
To celebrate our 10 years being married, Hubby surprised me by taking me to the jewelry store and letting me pick out diamond earings! He is always so good to me, spoiling me rotten all the time. Never wanting or needing anything for himself but always over-joyed when it comes to giving me things to make me happy...what a guy! I know that I am not the easiest person to live with at times and he still takes me for who I am no matter what and I truly love him and appreciate him for that!
Here are my beautiful diamond earings...I love them so much, aren't they so pretty and sparkly? I am so lucky!
(pictures are clickable)