Thursday, March 26, 2009

Are These Some Sad Looking Trees or What?
Don't they just look so sad? Mind you, I'd be pretty depressed after the weather we had the other day too! The kids were home for 2 days because of the school and busses being cancelled. Everything had been completely covered in ice...not good at all! It made for some terrible driving conditions as well as walking conditions! So slippery.
As a result, everything had a huge layer of ice including these poor pathetic looking trees...there are broken branches all over the place...I guess some trees just couldn't take the weight of the ice.
Usually the trees all around our house are so full and beautiful, but yesterday they were just droopy and sad :o(
Check this one out! Oh my goodness...every single branch was right iced-over and dripping with icicles...kinda neat!
And here is what the snow banks all around us look like! They are solid like a rock...with a huge thick layer of glistening ice on top...everything around us looked like glass...I wonder how the poor wild animals get around out there without slipping and falling all over the place?
Lucky for us the weather is looking a little bit better...we've got snow coming down today so I guess it's better than freezing rain...I am soooo looking forward to some Spring weather!

~ The Birthday Girl ~
Happy 1st Birthday Miss Molly Cakes!

Well, our little Molly turned a year old on the weekend...she's not so little anymore though!
Here she is when we first brought her home...what a sweet little ball of fluff she was! So teeny, so tiny, and so pretty!

Now she's a whole lot bigger, still very pretty with a much bigger attitude! Some days she is quite a handful!

This is such a cute look...I caught it just in time...she looks so innocent...but she don't fool me! I know! She loves my feet and that's what she's staring at! She will quietly watch them go by, back and forth in front of her and then POUNCE at them! It's kind of annoying but it's something that I have learned to live's definitely not her worst habbit!

And here she is posing nice for me...I actually think she likes when the camera comes out now...I think it's cuz she's got all the attention on her...such a little twirp! I love her colour...she is mostly black but she has some grey through her belly fur and she also has these beautiful "Rootbeer" highlights I call them, all over which I just love about her!