Saturday, March 08, 2008

With a Happy Ending :o)
I want to give a HUGE Thank You to everyone that responded with offers of their Knitting needles for me to replace my snapped needle from the other day! It was truely overwhelming how many generous people we have here...I was so shocked at the number of offers I received!
When I shared my story with you all, it was merely a sad story to share with ou all, it wasn't at all a sympathy cry for guys are all just so wonderful though and you all have HUGE hearts...willing to give up some of your own needles to provide some happiness for me.
So I thank you so much, but I am sooooooooo happy to tell you all, that my knitting needle has been resurrected...hubby has breathed new life into the poor old girl! Would you believe that he had the brain fart to use our pencil sharpener on it?? And it actually worked!! Really well too!! He stuck the broken needle in the sharpener and made the tip a little bit pointy and then with some sand paper, he made it PERFECT!! I can't tell the looks just like the good needle! I really can't believe it! I thought she was a gonner, but she's back and ready to start clicking and smoking! I am just so happy and relieved to have my old reliable needles back!
Thanks again guys, you're the best!
Big Greatful Hugs,

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