What do you say to your kids when they ask, "Mom, what are those 2 squirrels doing up in the tree?".....

Well, this is what we saw out the window this morning...
I've got my little guy home sick today...had my girl home sick yesterday too...guess that means I'm next?...I sure hope not...I've already had a nasty summer cold...but with the kids back in school now, it's really easy for them to pick up any and all bugs out there!

So my little guy asks me if they are hugging or wrestling...lol! What would you say? Whatever they were "doing", the boy squirrel was OBVIOUSLY NOT taking the hint...lol! He wasn't going to let her go for nothing...he was NOT taking No for an answer! How rude!

Just when I was starting to feel sorry for the little lady, she and her little boyfriend flashed me a look as if to say, "Hey Lady, do you mind...some privacy please...". They were actually getting mad at me for being out there taking their pictures! You should have heard them squacking at me! Good Gosh! Who knew they were so sensitive!

Then she decides to play "hard to get"...quite funny actually.
I managed to get some designing and knitting done yesterday which I was really happy about...I sort of took the whole summer off cuz of everything we had going on so it really feels good to get back at it!
I haven't seen the fox in days now...getting a little worried about him...hope he's okay.
I couldn't wait to sit down last night and watch the first episode of this season's Survivor! Just finished watching Big Brother so I needed my reality tv fix! Looks like it's going to be another great season!
So now I'm off to go fix me some brekkie and start my day...
Have a wonderful weekend guys!
Hugs and Smiles,