~ Meet Boots ~

This is Boots! I gave him that name because he appears to be wearing tall dark coloured boots.
He's quite the little character...he's been visiting our yard on a daily basis, sometimes multiple times a day!
You'll have to click on the photos to see how beautiful he is...his eyes are just gorgeous!

He's always so busy...looking for his next meal I suppose.
He's obviously quite the little hunter...the one day he had a little squirrel hanging out of his mouth and the next day he had a cute brown bunny...that was hard to explain to the kids because they love our little neighbourhood bunnies and think they are adorable...so to see one dangling from the Fox's mouth wasn't all that nice...but that's how nature goes I guess.
I think he's just so pretty...the colour of his fur & the colour of his eyes are just beautiful!
Hope all is well with everyone these days! Take care and have yourselves a great weekend!
I'm off to go feed the children, then take care of the dishes, and then I think I'll park my butt on the couch and do some knitting...I'm working on a really special project for a friend...I'll post more about that when I get it completed.