Not the sad kind of blue, but the colour blue of course! If anyone knows me, they know that I am just crazy over the colour blue! Especially when it comes to things in my kitchen! I seem to be drawn to this colour for whatever reason...people laugh at me when I tell them that I love when Hubby takes me into Canadian Tire and Home Hardware cuz they have a wonderful selection of "kitcheny" things and lots of them in blue too!
So you can just imagine the look on my face when I received this Gorgeous Blue Snowman Lamp from my dear friend Marilyn! She told me that she was sending me a little package for Christmas and she said it was delicate and fragile so I was expecting something small...when Hubby walked in with the parcel I nearly fell off my chair! Marilyn made me this beautiful lamp out of an old wine is so unique and so cute and so BLUE!!!

As you can see, it matches perfect! Not sure if you can see, but the lamp shade is all sparkly too! If you click on the pictures you can see all the work that went into this beauty!

Here is a close-up photo of the adorable snowmen..these cute little guys made their way around the whole lamp...pretty cute, hey?

And here you can see the sparkly snow on the bottom of the lamp...when the lamp is turned on they just sparkle like real snow in the sunshine!
Here it is all lit looks sooo pretty in the evening...I just love it so much! Thank you so very much
Marilyn for taking the time to do all this for me!
~~~~And another big thank you is definitely in order...this time for my dear friend,
Mary Anne! If you don't know
Mary Anne, you seriously have to get on over to her blog...every Friday she updates her blog with all that's been going on in her life that week...sometimes it's knitting, sometimes it's not, sometimes it's pictures of the beautiful scenery or of a certain fella with his bike...but whatever it is,
Mary Anne always has this charming way of entertaining her readers with a little humor and a little education too! Anyway, last night when Hubby came home from work, he gave me a package that came in the mail addressed to me! Here it was an envelope filled with beautiful knitted dishcloths in all tones of blue!

Don't they all look wonderful on my kitchen counter? I love them all! There are of course
Mary Anne's extremely famous Feather and Fans and also there were a couple in the
Basket Rib stitch!
Check out her beautiful yellow card with the blue flowers on pretty!

And she even sealed the envelope with a adorable!

All ready to dive into all those bubbles and do the dirty work now!
~~~~Thank you so very much Mary Anne for all the delightful blue dishcloths, I love them all!
~~~~Hugs and Love to the pair of you for thinking of me and taking the time to brighten my holiday and making me feel special with these beautiful gifts made from the heart!